
Why can they mow someone down

Why can they mow someone down that I'm healing without running out of resources, and I have to use my max output spells to STILL watch their life deplete? If I've made gold wow the commitment to use my high-mana-cost spells, then shouldn't I get more out of them than a faster cast time that really doesn't put out that much more healing and costs twice as much mana? When someone blows their CDs to damage my healing target, and I blow my big spells, shouldn't the heals outdo the dps? If not, what is the purpose of a healer? To slow down deaths? I thought we were there to prevent them...

Healing was great before Cata. The good healers were the ones that could use the right spell in an instant, not the ones that planned five seconds ago to use this heal because it's about that time in the opponent's rotation.

